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Casebook on South African Family Law/ Vonnisbundel oor die Suid-Afrikaanse Familiereg 4th Ed

The Casebook on South African Family Law provides a clear and concise analysis of the facts and principles enunciated by the courts on family law.

Publication Language: English

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ISBN/ISSN: 9780409120615
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Product description

The Casebook on South African Family Law provides a clear and concise analysis of the facts and principles enunciated by the courts on family law.

It contains commentary and extracts from cases referred to in South African Family Law.


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Table of contents

Chapter 1 - The engagement / Die verlowing

Chapter 2 - The requirements for a valid marriage / Die geldigheidsvereistes vir 'n huwelik

Chapter 3 - Void, voidable and putative civil marriages / Nietige, vernietigbare en putatiewe siviele huwelike

Chapter 4 - The invariable consequences of a civil marriage /Die onveranderbare gevolge van 'n siviele huwelik

Chapter 5 - The marriage in community of property / Die huwelik binne gemeenskap van goed

Chapter 6 - The marriage out of community of property / Die huwelik buite gemeenskap van goed

Chapter 7 - Alteration of the matrimonial property system / Wysiging van die huweliksgoederebedeling

Chapter 8 - The grounds for divorce / Die egskeidingsgronde

Chapter 9 - Pension interests / Pensioenbelange

Chapter 10 - Forfeiture of patrimonial benefits / Verbeuring van vermoënsregtelike voordele

Chapter 11 - Redistribution of assets upon divorce / Herverdeling van bates by egskeiding

Chapter 12 - Maintenance of a spouse upon divorce / Onderhoud van een van die gades na egskeiding

Chapter 13 - The interests of the children of divorcing parents / Die belange van kinders van ouers wat skei

Chapter 14 - Muslim marriages / Moslemhuwelike

Chapter 15 - Life partnerships / Lewensverhoudings

Chapter 16 - Children's rights / Kinderregte

Chapter 17 - Parental authority / Ouerlike gesag

Chapter 17 - The duty of support in respect of a child / Die onderhoudsplig ten opsigte van 'n kind

Chapter 18 - Excerpts from Acts / Uittreksels uit Wette

- Bibliography / Bibliografie

- Table of cases / Vonnisregister