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Essays in Honour of Johann Neethling

This book contains tributes to Professor Johann Neethling, as well as essays on areas of the law in which he worked.

Publication Language: English
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ISBN/ISSN: 9780409124491

Product description

This book contains tributes to Professor Johann Neethling, as well as essays on areas of the law in which he worked.

The essays in this volume disseminate original research by recognised scholars on a wide array of disciplines in which Professor Neethling has an interest.


Featured Authors

Table of contents

PART ONE - Biographical tribute

Johan Potgieter: A biographical tribute to Johann Neethling.

PART TWO - Tributes

Mandla S Makhanya: Johann Neethling: a stalwart of Unisa.

Jonathan D Jansen: Johann Neethling: scholar and gentleman.

Antony Melck: Johann Neethling: academic par excellence.

Marinus Wiechers: Johann Neethling: bloubloed-akademikus.

Rita Mare: Tribute to Professor Johann Neethling.

Willy Hosten: Cursus honorum: Johann Neethling.

FDJ Brand: Professor Johann Neethling: enkele persoonlike gedagtes.

Rita-Marie Jansen en Privaatreg, UV: Johann Neethling: die kringloop is voltooi.

Johann Knobel: Johann Neethling: die ongemiddelde redelike man en sy getroue vriend.

Helmut Koziol: Johann Neethling: personification of the reasonable man.

Rob Midgley: Johann Neethling: doyen of delict academics.

Johan Scott: Johann Neethling: my vriend en vakgenoot.

Jan Smits: Johann Neethling: een rots in de branding.

Annel van Aswegen: Johann Neethling: colleague, mentor and friend.

Christa van Wyk: Johann Neethling: toonbeeld van uitnemendheid.

Johan Potgieter: Johann Neethling: exceptional colleague and friend.


Raheel Ahmed: The influence of reasonableness on the elements of delictual liability.

Ewa Baginska: The meanders of Polish tort law (1933 to 2014).

Johan Beckmann: Questioning government initiatives to improve the quality of mathematics education: an integrated approach.

Trynie Boezaart: Mediese nalatigheid, 'n kind met gestremdheid en onregmatige lyding in die Suid-Afrikaanse deliktereg.

Jonathan Burchell: Finding the snail in our actio iniuriarum bottle.

Giovanni Comande: Tortious privacy 3.0: a quest for research.

Herman Cousy: Tort liability and insurance: the latest developments in a delicate relationship.

Eric Dirix: Tort law and legal culture.

Michael Faure: Multiple tortfeasors: a legal and economic approach.

Israel Gilead: Three models of negligence: the debate in Israel's Supreme Court.

Michael D Green: Delict and proportional liability: some preliminary comparative thoughts.

L Hawthorne: The role of commutative justice in modern contract law.

JJ Henning: The legal status of partnerships in South African legislation.

Rita-Marie Jansen: Professionele aanspreeklikheid van oftalmoloë wat verband hou met retinopatie van prematuriteit.

ALM Keirse: Duty to prevent harm.

JC Knobel: Reasonableness, wrongfulness and fault.

BA Koch: Product liability for information in Europe?

Helmut Koziol: Reflections on media privilege.

Hanneretha Kruger: Protection of a child's right to privacy in South African law.

Ulrich Magnus: Personality rights in tort: German and South African experience compared.

Miquel Martin-Casals: A new Spanish compensation scheme for death and personal injury resulting from road traffic accidents.

FE Marx: Defamation: the naming and shaming of spammers: Ketler Investments CC t/a Ketler Presentations v Internet Service Providers' Association 2014 (2) SA 569 (GJ).

DJ McQuoid-Mason: Some reflections on the application of the law of privacy to selected medical confidentiality issues.

Andre Mukheibir: Wrongful life claims in South Africa and the Netherlands: similarities and differences.

JM Otto: Bedinge en kontrakte ter beperking van die handelsvryheid: drie dekades sedert Magna Alloys v Ellis 1984 (4) SA 874 (A).

Johan Potgieter: Die reg op die gevoelslewe (en die moontlike relevansie daarvan by 'n aksie weens owerspel).

Elspeth Reid: Traditional delictual principles and reproductive rights: new directions for the law of personality?

Anneliese Roos: Grondbeginsels van databeskerming in Suid-Afrika: 'n beskouing van die Wet op die Beskerming van Persoonlike Inligting 4 van 2013 en die bydrae wat Johann Neethling gemaak het.

Elsabe Schoeman: Transnational tort litigation: splitting issues or splitting hairs?

Johan Scott: Delictual liability for adultery: a healthy remedy's road to perdition.

Susan Scott: Waarom nog 'n vonnisbespreking?

Jan M Smits: Does the law of delict have a future? On neuroscience and liability.

JC Sonnekus: Inhoudelike objektivering van die nalatigheidstoets by deliktuele vorderings, geen lukrake raaiwerk nie.

Jaap Spier: Intergenerational equity: an effective weapon or a sound bite?

CG van der Merwe and J Booysen: Critical evaluation of the sanctions available to remove chronic troublemakers from sectional title schemes.

Christa van Wyk: Staatsaanspreeklikheid vir die oordrag van middel-weerstandige tuberkulose buite die gevangenisopset?

Jeannie van Wyk: Abuse of rights and the excessive use of a statutory right.

Francois Venter: Godsdienstige oortuigings as persoonlikheidseienskap: kan die staat daarteenoor neutraal staan?

Daniel Visser: Nkandla explained: can the law of unjustified enrichment provide the key to whether the President has an obligation to reimburse the state?